The Gentile Witness Enoch Book I Page 12
“Then you know we have our own laws and regulations in those pages, handed down by our Hebrew God?”
“Yes, I am aware of that, Mosaic Law, if I am correct.”
“Then let me ask you. If we are looking for a messiah, and the Christians are looking for the return of Jesus Christ, neither of whom is here today, then who would you really be? Are you possibly Elijah, or Ezekiel, whom we understand never died, but was taken to heaven by God?”
“I am none of the above Rabbi. However, let me tell you about something I know about your religion and what is happening today. There is another witness, who will confront the Jewish people all over the world. He is not yet named to you, but you will hear from him very, very soon. This witness, Rabbi, is better equipped to answer any and all questions about God, Jesus and the Messiah and who He really is. But no, I am not any of those people you suggested.”
“I don’t quite understand about this other witness.”
“Rabbi, I am the witness for the Gentiles, as your religion named us. You refer to us as the non-believers. You will soon hear from a witness whose primary concerns are the gathering of not only the tribe of Judah to Israel, but also all the other tribes dispersed in the world. They are known by us Gentiles as the lost tribes of Israel, which were dispersed in 720 BCE or before the Common Era by the ancient Assyrians, as was prophesied by your Prophet Jeremiah. This witness can answer your questions as you have presented them to me. I cannot.”
The rabbi sat back in his chair and was quiet for a second, then said, “I see. Then we must wait.”
“You are correct Rabbi, very correct.”
John then said, “We really need to take a break for our sponsors and also get our viewers updated on the day’s events, especially in California. We will be back soon.”
Chapter 37
11:35 AM EST New York - Bear News Interview Studio
I was glad for the break. I was becoming very weary of the questioning and having difficulty concentrating. It had been over six hours since this day started and I knew that it was only beginning. It was going to get worse. Now I had to deal with the eastern religions of Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism.
I got up and motioned for Mark to come with me. We walked off into a corner alone.
“Mark,” I said, “the Jewish question was the easy one. Now I have to deal with questions from the eastern religions and I have no idea how to answer them. I do not want to start riots in the world with my answers, but I think no matter what I say or how I say it, that is going to be what will occur. Do you have any ideas?”
Mark stroked his overweight double chin. He seemed to be concentrating. Then he said, “Tell them the truth, and let the chips fall where they may.”
“But Mark, I really do not know the truth.”
“Yes you do. Gabriel told you the truth and it is up to you to tell it like it is. Once again, it is your destiny to preach the gospel these last few years. Also, remember that you can always close your eyes and see God’s will.”
I thought this over for a few seconds, and I said to Mark, “Please tell them I need some time alone, maybe ten or fifteen minutes.”
“Sure Jack, I will tell them. Without you, there is no show, so I am sure they will wait.”
I walked away from the studio in search of a quiet place to pray.
Chapter 38
11:40 AM EST New York - Bear News Studios, Private Office off from Studio
I wandered down the hall from the studio and noticed a room with the door ajar. I pushed the door open some and realized there was no one in it. The only occupants were a desk and a couple of chairs. I felt I could probably use it without a problem. I entered, closed the door, and sat in one of the chairs, bowed my head, and closed my eyes. I wanted my thoughts to wander wherever they wanted to go. With my eyes closed, my mind was free to process all the events of the past few weeks and then focus on what was occurring today.
I made an effort to keep them closed then mouthed the following prayer: Dear God in heaven, and your son, Jesus. You have selected me to do your will and I am your willing servant. However, God, I am remorseful for I feel I am killing many people by my words and I am in sorrow. Yet I know that battles are not won without pain, fear, and loss. However, dear God, I feel for these people and I fear for them as well as my own family who are dispersed throughout my country. I am about to be questioned yet again by leaders who proclaim themselves men of God, but with whom I feel it is an occupation, not love of their God. I believe they are out to crucify me. Maybe not on a cross, but in opinion, and that will cause me to fail on the mission you have entrusted to me. Please give me the wisdom to carry on, to be able to answer the questions and withstand the temptation of running away. I thought Tribulation would come to pass someday, but I did not think I would be a primary player in its outcome. Your humble servant Lord, through your son Jesus Christ, I ask from you strength in these next few hours. These things I ask and pray for through Jesus Christ your son who will live forever and ever. Amen.
My eyes were still closed when I heard a knock at the door.
Chapter 39
6:40 PM CEST Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, 42nd Floor
David and his other contemporaries in the room had been watching the interview with Jack South in fascination. So far, Jack had held his own and was able to not only handle the questions, but put questions right back to the questioners. David’s thoughts were interrupted by Aafre, who was speaking again. The subject was the position of the Reverend Marks, who seemed very irate with Jack.
“…this Marks guy may be someone we can use in the very near future. Someone figure out who he is and what his angle is. In addition, for those of you who do not know yet, we have placed one of our people on the panel, whose turn is still yet to come. I will hold back on who he is to see if any of you can figure out which panelist it is. This is a game of words and we need to sharpen our abilities to fight back with our resources and discredit Jack and his other partner, whoever he is. It does not seem that we are going to find out much more about this other witness now, other than that he is Jewish, as Jack told the Rabbi. Even though Jack has said he does not know who he is, I think he does. Any comments?”
Baroness Rachel Wimberley of the Netherlands spoke up now, “I personally do not think this guy is the Witness, but a clairvoyant trying to make a name for himself. There has to be a rational explanation for his predictions. Maybe he is a genius, and figured all this out and is predicting what Mother Nature would do anyway. It may well be that he is a fraud and there is no substance to his claims.”
“Very well put,” Aafre responded, “but I caution; his predictions have always been correct and have zero probability of occurring exactly as he said. If what he said is going to happen with the new predictions, and it does, then your theory will hold no water. However, what you have just said is actually the basis of our plan to discredit him.”
The President of the U.S. then spoke via satellite link. “Aafre, what if he is right in his predictions? If he is, California will pale in comparison with the destruction of these hurricanes. Our entire infrastructure cannot contain two, let alone five, six, or seven disasters at one time. So, if he is right, then what do we do?”
Aafre was silent. After a moment of thinking, he said, “Let’s see what else this Jack has to say before we broach that subject, Stevenson.”
They all turned back to the monitors again, watching the news updates in California on Bear News; and like most people in the world, waited for Jack to continue after the news updates.
Chapter 40
11:45 AM EST New York - Bear News Studio, Room away from Studio Area
I sat up in the chair at the sound of a second knock, and went to the door. I cracked it and saw that it was Reverend Marks. “Can I help you, Reverend?”
“Uh, Jack,” he had his head hung down very low. “Can I speak with you for a minute, privately?” He stood there not moving or looking at me, just
staring at the floor.
“Come in Reverend Marks and close the door, please.” I was concerned that he had come here to go off on me, but I let him in anyway. He walked through the door then closed it behind him. He gave me quite a shock, as he immediately got onto his knees in front of me, with his hands folded in prayer, and bowed his head. There were tears coming out of his eyes.
He began mumbling, “Please forgive me master. Please forgive me.”
The tears and sobs were coming full force from this man that had, just a few minutes ago, tried to destroy me in front of the whole world. I looked down at him, grabbed hold of his arm, and said, as I gently tried to coax him up, “Reverend, get up please. I am not the one you need to bow down too. I am a man like you, not God.”
I pulled harder on his arm, as he slowly started getting up. When he was finally standing, I directed him to the chair I had been sitting in. He sat down quite heavily and sighed. I could see the streams of tears on his face and I waited to see if he would speak. He sighed very deeply and raised his head to look at me. “Jack or Mr. South, I am so sorry that I attacked you in that studio today in front of all those people. I thought you were a fraud and my anger boiled over.”
Taking the spare chair from the wall, I placed it in front of Reverend Marks and sat down. “Reverend, under these circumstances, I also have a hard time believing most of this. I, like you, am a man, not a God, and I am not the perfect selection to do what I have been charged to do. However, I have accepted it, and to be honest with you, my acceptance is based on my faith. I have not spoken to God or Jesus personally. I am going on true gut feeling that I am doing what I was called to do, because God wants me to.”
Pausing, I wondered what had happened to this man to change his feelings so quickly. Therefore, I decided to ask. “Reverend, what changed your mind from just a few minutes ago?”
“I am a man of God. I believe with all my heart in Jesus. I have spent my entire life trying to help people and save them from the fires of hell. I realized in talking to you today, that either you were from Satan himself, or you were from God. So I took out my Bible during the break and read some scriptures about the witnesses, and after reading it,” the tears started again, “I knew that you really are who you say you are and I felt that I had betrayed my God and Jesus. I was helping the devil’s cause. I think God moved me to read those scriptures so I would understand. But now I am here to plead forgiveness for my transgression against you.”
“Reverend, I do not have the power to forgive you, only God does, through Jesus Christ. Therefore, you must seek forgiveness through Him, not me. But let me ask you if you don’t mind Reverend, what is your first name?”
“Thomas and my middle name is Eugene.”
“Thomas, huh? That is interesting Reverend, very interesting. Let me ask you another question, if I may. I just had a revelation. Would you be interested in helping me out this week on something that I am going to announce later today?”
“What would you want me to do?”
“On Thursday I am having a rally, or service, as you might call it, in Kansas City at Liberty Memorial Park. It will probably be broadcast worldwide and I have no idea how many people will be attending. It is an open air service.”
“I know where it is. I have been there. It sits up on a hill, I think, above the train station, correct?”
“That’s the place.”
“So what do you want me to do?”
“I want you to plan the ceremony for me and work with my PR agency to arrange some singing, prayers, and all those things. I have never done one and I need someone to help. You are the one I would want. And so that you know, we will pay all your expenses and whatever else you deem necessary.”
The Reverend looked surprised and asked, “You really want me to help with your ministry, even after what I did today?”
“Yes, I really want you to help.”
With that he said, “Let’s pray Jack.” We both then got down on our knees in front of our chairs as he led us in a prayer. When he was finished, we sat back up on our chairs and he said, as soon as he sat down, “I guess I am your Doubting Thomas!”
I smiled. “That is wonderful, Reverend. Yes, I suppose you are my Doubting Thomas. You know Thomas, working with me is going to become very dangerous, and your life will be at stake. I am popular now, but that is because they are curious. That will change as more and more things happen to mankind in the first half of the seven weeks.”
“Jack, believe me, I know. However, like you, I know that this is my destiny. God just told me when we prayed.”
I looked at him. He had said it so seriously that I began to think that God very well might have spoken to him. Then I thought about his name, Thomas, my own doubting Thomas, is now the third member of our little group. Therefore, I had a Mark, Luke, and a Thomas. There seemed to be a pattern here. I tucked that thought in the back of my mind to talk to Gabriel about it.
I saw a piece of paper on the desk and took a pen from my shirt to write down the number Thomas needed to call. I handed him the paper and said to him, “Call this number as soon as you can. This entire sermon and setup are now in your capable hands. In addition, they will get your travel arrangements done for you and whatever else you need. Reverend, I mean Thomas, be prepared, we are expecting a lot of people.”
“How many?”
“Millions and millions, in person and on TV.”
There was another knock at the door. I got up from my chair and opened it. The page who stood there said, “Oh, there you are. We have been looking for you. They are about to start and we need to hurry.”
I motioned to Thomas, as I call him now, and said, “Its showtime again.” I smiled and then winked at him. We walked together through the door, towards the studio.
Chapter 41
11:55 AM EST New York - Bear News Studios
On the way back to the studio, John Roddenburg caught up with me. I stopped, but Thomas kept following the page. John asked, “Jack, how are you holding up?”
“Fine,” I said. “A bit tired, but I will be fine.”
“You know we still have the other four panelists yet to go and I wanted to talk about them to you.”
“What is it John? Do you have some concerns?”
“Yes, we do. We are concerned especially about the Islamic panelist. If the wrong things are said, there may very well be riots everywhere, including right here in New York City.”
“What do you think I am going to say that would cause that?”
“We know that Christianity and Islam do not mix. If your mission is to save the Gentiles, as you say, then the Muslims may fall under the Gentiles, that is, if I know my history. But if you say that they are evil, like so many have done in the past, then coming from you it could fuel a major crisis.”
“Well, you don’t know your history. John, listen, I am well aware of this and I am well prepared. Islam has the same founder, Abraham, as the Jews. I am selected for the Gentiles, which includes Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, and others, but not Muslims or Jews. You are going to have to trust me on this.” I paused, and said, “By the way, this Thursday we are selecting only your network to carry a live broadcast of a special service from Kansas City’s Memorial Park. It will be my first sermon to the people. The world is going to expect coverage and I want you there doing the commentary.”
“We already know Jack. Your agency told us about that this morning and we’ve already started working on it. We were not sure why, but they told us we had been selected to do this.”
“Did they also tell you during the entire sermon that you need to have a slow motion camera set up on me also?”
“Yes they did; and I was wondering about that. Do you know why we need that technology?”
“Yes I do, but I cannot discuss it yet. It will help your broadcast. And, John,” I said as we drew closer to the studio, “Reverend Marks is going to be my lead man in setting up the sermon in Kansas City. He is in ch
arge of everything. Please have your people get with him. I think he is very well qualified and has done this before using TV and large crowds.”
John looked at me with his mouth half open and exclaimed, “You’re kidding me! He was about to crucify you just a half hour ago. I mean, I don’t understand.”
“John, things just happen. In addition, if you want an interview with me after the sermon, I will be staying at the Crown Plaza. Be prepared for your broadcast. There are going to be some very famous people there. Our agency is confirming the list now and you will probably want to do some spots on that prior to the sermon, especially with this group.”
“You’re news Jack. We will be there and yes we will definitely want an interview after the sermon.”
We had reached the studio area, and John went off to talk to his producer while I walked towards the couch.
Chapter 42
11:59 AM EST New York - Bear News Studios
When we were all finally seated again in the studio, we were given some briefings, microphone checks done, and all the other stuff they do. Then there was a countdown of about two minutes. I looked over at the remaining panelists and tried to read their faces. The cleric from a mosque here in New York, had shown no emotion on his face since the questioning began. I expected no trouble from the Buddhist. The Hindu, interestingly enough, did not seem much of a threat. They were usually peaceful. I supposed the atheist and maybe the cleric were the ones I needed to be careful with. I really did not want riots in the streets here, or anywhere else today.
John walked over and sat in his chair. As they adjusted his mike, he looked over at all of us and said, “We will start the next set with the representative from the Hindu Culture, Maharaj Hardik Narsi.”
The countdown finished and John did his introduction of continuing the panel and said, “The next panelist is Maharaj, Hardik Narsi. Maharaj, do you have a question for Mr. South?”
The cameras moved to focus on Hardik Narsi and me. Hardik looked at me, then smiled and said, “Mr. South, first off, I would like to thank you and Bear News for inviting us here to be a part of this panel. I can honestly say that I was quite surprised to get a call so quickly requiring a representative to be here; but I felt it was important and I wanted to be a part of this.” He smiled again and said, “Do you know much about the Hindus, sir?”